Disinfection and callus induction in forest species is essential to improve genetic production. Although multiple methods exist, their application in forest plants requires further research. Therefore, this study focused on the effect of disinfection, leaf development and phytohormones on callus induction in Simarouba amara. The study was structured in two experiments. In the first experiment, the efficacy of leaflet disinfection was evaluated using a completely randomized design with three sodium hypochlorite treatments (0 %, 0.25 % and 0.5 %). The second experiment, focused on callus induction, was developed under a 3 x 6 factorial design, which included three stages of leaf development (young, intermediate and mature) and six combinations of phytohormones (BAP, TDZ, 2,4-D, BAP+TDZ, BAP+2,4-D, TDZ+2,4-D, all at 1 mg/L). The main results showed that 0.25 % sodium hypochlorite achieved 88.9 % asepsis, with a lower percentage of oxidation (17 %). It was observed that, combinations of BAP+2,4-D and TDZ+2,4-D promoted higher callus formation, increased callus area and fresh and dry matter production, especially in segments of intermediate leaf development stage. This study highlights the importance of adjusting disinfectant and phytohormones according to leaf development stage for successful callus induction in Simarouba amara.
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